Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Design I Like

A design I am fond of is a t-shirt that is meant to represent and market the World Wrestling Entertainment superstar Randy Orton. At some point in Randy Orton's career, his shirts began consisting of a gas mask. Although it never really made any sense why, it is recognized as his symbol on WWE merchandise. Later in his career, Randy Orton gained the nickname, “The Viper,” presumably for behaving in a reptilian-like “cold-blooded” way. References to his antics in the ring such as, “the Viper is coiled and ready to strike,” became common expressions of the announces. After a few iterations of Randy Orton shirts, we arrived at this design. It is part of the WWE's “Top Rope” selection, which basically means they shirts aren't silk-screened and cost twenty dollars extra, but that isn't the point. The design we end up with is the now trademarked gas mask, with the addition of snake eyes. Of course, we add cool chains for effect as well.

The very top of the gas mask shows the beginnings of a lobotomy being performed on the gas mask occupant's head. This is because Randy Orton's character is that of a loose cannon, somewhat of a psycho. At some point, he was diagnosed with I.E.D. (intermittent explosive disorder).

So the cool thing about this shirt is that it captures everything, the viper references and the insanity association, while maintaining the gas mask meme.

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