Monday, November 29, 2010

Production Notes

I didn't find the process of shooting and editing to be anything except fun. I had a blast, it was like goofing off and getting to capture it and show other people just how good at goofing off we can be.

The big challenge was audio, but that was because we were dealing with people being in the locations that we shot in and had a camcorder with that one dinky mic on it. Those dinky mics done do us wrong sometimes.

I discovered something important about myself though, I hate pre-production. I understand why it's necessary, but Jiminy Cricket is it annoying. It's like “write this, write that, now do it slightly differen.” I left off the “t” in “different” because the voice inside my head that tells me to write is British and doesn't do well with pronouncing that letter.

Clearly the solution here is to make documentaries, but really bad ones. Documentaries with virtually no direction at all. Documentaries about store clerks or mediocre baseball players, the ones that never used steroids, but then only batted like, .206.

I was happy with the final product, I wish I had more time to shoot though. I can see the advantage of having a closed set now. People are so annoying, they see you shooting at they look at the camera, like right at it. Or they do that friggin' thing where they duck, but slightly, so the top of their head is in the camera. Seriously, I'm clearly doing something, go around me. I should do a documentary about those people, I can interview them afterward and ask them why they're such bastards.

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